A Question and Answer Guide about Sitz baths for hemorrhoids and Postpartum mothers
Today is all about answering questions that you our dear readers have raised about sitz baths. We will start with a sitz bath definition and then go ahead to answer all the other questions that you have raised about the product, why you need it plus its benefits for postpartum mothers as well as people suffering from hemorrhoids. So, let us dig deep into the topic.
What is a sitz bath?
A sitz bath is a warm bath on your perineum area(the area between your rectum and vulva or scrotum) which you do to relieve yourself from pain that could be as a result of anal fissures, diarrhea, chemotherapy and radiotherapy bruises, UTI, episiotomy or hemorrhoids. A sitz bath can be done in a small basin which you can buy from your local or online stores. The basin needs to be deep enough so that when you are taking the bath, your entire perineum will be fully immersed and covered with water. Other than the warm water, you can put in other soothing products such as Epsom salt, aloe vera and witch hazel.
Is a sitz bath the same as a regular bath?
A sitz bath is very different from a regular bath. Let us see that in form of a simple sitz bath vs regular bath comparison table
Sitz bath | Regular bath |
Only perineum covered in water | Entire body needs to be touched by the water. In case that you use a bath tub, your body could be fully immersed in the water |
You need to use lukewarm water | You could decide to use hot or cold water |
Its purpose is to soothe your perineum | Its purpose is to clean your body |
You could use baking soda, Epsom salt or other soothing products | No need to use anything other than soap |
What to put in a sitz bath?
You can put baking soda, Epsom salt, witch hazel or aloe vera in your sitz bath water. You however need to consult your doctor before going ahead so that they check to see that the product is not going to irritate your skin and is hypoallergenic. If your skin is broken, has bruises or is bleeding, you may be advised not to use anything other than plain warm water.
What are the benefits of a sitz bath?
- A sitz bath soothes your body and relieves you off pain related to anal fissures, UTI, hemorrhoids and pain after a baby delivery.
- It also cleanses your perianal area reducing the chances of infection.
- A sitz bath will also increase blood circulation to your perineum.
How do you make a sitz bath?
To make a sitz bath, boil some clean (preferably distilled) water and let it cool to 37 degrees celsius. Pour it into your plastic sitting basin. Add any soothing agents that you might be using. Place the basin on top of your toilet seat. Remove your clothes and sit in the water ensuring that it covers your entire perineum area. Sit there for about 10 to 15 minutes. Do this at least twice in a day.
Can I take a sitz bath in the bath tub?
You can take a sitz bath inside your tub. The only two things to ensure is that the water is at 37 degrees Celsius and it covers your entire perineum.
Where to buy sitz bath?
There are so many local stores selling sitz baths. All you need to do is talk with your doctor and have them recommend a place where they are being sold. You could also get them online from amazon.
What temperature should my sitz bath be?
The UHN says that sitz bath water needs to be between 37 to 39 degrees Celsius (that is about 99 to about 102 Farenheit). But now that not so many people keep thermometers at the homes to measure the warmth of their sitz bath water, you could use your wrist to get how hot the water is. If the water feels too hot for your wrist, then do not attempt sitting on it as it could easily scald you.
How do you do a postpartum sitz bath?
A postpartum sitz bath is not any different from that one taken by something suffering from anal fissures, UTI or hemorrhoids. All you need is the warm water, a basin deep enough to hold water up to your perineum and natural soothing agents such as Epsom salt. You will remove your clothes, either all of them or from waist down and sit in the water for 10 to 15 minutes at least twice a day.
Once you are done, wipe your bum with a clean, lint free towel and allow air to blow so as to dry your properly. You could then wear some baggy cotton pair of underwear.
How long should I do sitz bath after delivery?
A sitz bath takes 10 to 15 minutes and is to be taken at least twice a day. After delivery, you could take the bath for about 14 days or till that time when you feel relieved and are experiencing no pain in your perineum.
Can I take sitz bath with stitches?
It is okay to take a sitz bath with stitches. The only thing you will ask your doctor is what soothing agents you could or not add. With bruises, broken skin or a bleeding perineum, the doctor may advise you to use lower temperature water so as to avoid scalding of your inner body tissue.
Can I take an Epsom salt bath after giving birth?
Yes, you can take an Epsom salt bath after giving birth. In case you had normal delivery or had to have an episiotomy, Epsom salt mixed with hot water helps relieve your pain and allow healing. In fact doctors have always been recommending that you do so to sooth your body from pain.
Why do sitz baths help hemorrhoids?
Sitz baths help hemorrhoids in that they help soothe and easen your pain. When suffering from hemorrhoids, you are in great pain especially when you go to the toilet for a number two. The swellings or piles are going to be pushed by your poop as you defecate. This causes excruciating pain.
What is the best sitz bath for hemorrhoids?
We have found both the soothic and the lifevv to be great sitz bath when it comes to treating hemorrhoids in that they are large enough to accommodate your entire butt without you feeling and discomfort. They are also deep enough to allow your entire perineum be covered by the warm water.
Check out other ways to relieve hemorrhoid pain using these donut cushions.