Gifts for Disabled This Valentines Day
I am writing this post two weeks to Valentine’s day 2021. The disabled and elderly at the hospice as well as the elderly home make up a large part of my life. They are my friends. In fact they are more than friends to me, they are my family! So in this post, I will be writing on the gifts that I will get them during this year’s Valentine’s day. The post will also help those people who have disabled people at home and are wondering what gifts to get them for 2021 Valentine’s. So sit tight and listen to the suggestions on gifts that are going to strengthen the bond between you and that disabled relative or friend.
Valentine’s day has always been associated with love and romance. But come on, you can always use it to show that disabled person that you do indeed care and love them. If anything Saint Valentine’s did not die for romance but his relentless fight for doing good. At the hospice where we work, there is this nun who always tells us that the best gift that we can give to our patients is attention and showing them that we do care even when they are breathing their last. So I have decided to get some Valentines gifts for disabled for those under my care.
Gifts to George, Andrew and Moses who have Parkinson’s disease
Under my care, are three aged men who have Parkinson’s disease. While George’s PD is in its initial stages, Andrew and Moses are at more advanced stages and so their gifts for Parkinson’s will differ.
George happens to be an artist and there was this time that his relative brought along some great paintings that he had drawn in his hey days. And man, were they something! I could not believe that George could have come up with some awesome paintings yet today, he is not able to hold a pencil or pen because of the hand tremors.
This Valentine’s I will get George a pencil grip for Parkinson’s tremors. The grip is weighted and large enough such that he will still be able to draw albeit not as perfectly as he used to do before. But it will be better than nothing, anyway and I believe that George will really appreciate this.
Andrew and Moses are always having anxiety. Moses is also suffering from insomnia and his body balance is so bad that he is ever falling. I have read that weighted blankets can do a great thing in curbing insomnia for people like Moses and therefore I will get him one.
Studies have been done to show that cbd can have awesome effect in controlling anxiety. CBD oil has no THC and so the person who uses it will not feel high or get hallucinations. I will therefore get these two cbd so as to see how it will get them back on track and control anxiety as well as insomnia.
If money allows, I will get these folks some weighted spoons that will counteract their tremors as well as some anti shake cups. I have found the kangaroo cup designed by this young girl for her grandfather who had Pd to be great and will therefore get for these guys. However, that is only if money allows. I have so many people to get gifts and therefore if I am not able to afford, they will just have to do with weighted pens, weighted blankets as well as cbd oil.
Walkers and Wireless Bed Alarms for Ann who had Dementia
Ann is 80 years old. She was brought to our centre since she has dementia and there was no one at home to take care of her since all her children are working. Ann is highly susceptible to falls. Before she was brought to our centre, she had sustained this fatal fall that made her relatives so scared that they felt it wise for her to be taken care of by professionals.
For her case, I will get her some walkers as well as a wireless bed alarm that will be placed under her mattress pad so that our caregivers are alerted whenever she gets up from her bed. This will indeed bring down her likelihood to falls before some caregiver comes and takes care of her.
The walker will also be of great help as it will assist her in walking.
Other than these two items, I am thinking of getting her a robotic cat or dog since she is at most times bored and lonely. Robotic pets help with unconditional love and create a bond with the demented person making them much more jovial and get a feeling that they are still needed in this world.

Invacare Hospital bed for Martin who has Muscular Dystrophy
Under our care is also this young man, Martin, aged 20 years who has ducchene muscular dystrophy. He was diagnosed with the disorder 6 years ago and he has been losing use of his muscles gradually. Today, he is not able to sit upright or even turn in bed. It was tough for his peasant parents who had not seen the condition before and they thought that he had been bewitched or it was a curse from his ancestors. When we explained though, they were able to accept him and now, they are glad every time they visit the young man and he smiles at them in jubilation.
At home, Martin was using a normal bed and this was really hard on him. We are now thinking of getting him an invacare hospital bed which is more cozy.
Portable Toilets For the Disabled
Most patients whom I have had the pleasure to take care of are unable to go to the toilet leave alone wiping after doing the act. It becomes really hard for them to visit the toilet because they are on a wheelchair, are completely bedridden or too obese. Well, with portable toilets for disabled, things need not be that hard. They can use the commodes to empty their bowels and then wipe with tools such as the bottom buddy which we review here in details.