What are the all-time best Gifts you can Get for a Parkinson’s Patient
- Adaptive feeding tools because of the hand tremors
- Weighted clothes and blankets
- Weighted writing tools
- Clothes with magnetic buttons
Parkinson’s disease sucks big time. Over the past ten years that I have been working as a caregiver taking care of patients with the disease, I have seen how bad the disease can get and how it makes the patients frustrated. But they are always jolly when you present them with a well thought present and that is why today, I want to talk about the best gifts for Parkinson’s patients.
The best gifts for someone with Parkinson’s disease have to be associated with how they live and they should make their lives better. PD patients suffer from tremors, anxiety as well as insomnia that makes them feel bad and wonder where the disease came from. I would advice you to get this smart and techie adaptive tools that are coming up and are awesome for the patients suffering from the disease. So, here we go:
1.Love and being there
Good times is built on the key tenets of love and joy. And honestly, those are the two most amazing things that you can ever give someone with PD whether it is christmas or valentine’s day. Your mere being there for them, hugging them and embracing them for even the least of efforts that they make is great. When relatives visit PD patients at the caregiving home where I work, I see the patients brim with joy and they are more confident during the day and night since they know that someone out there still remembers them and found time within their busy schedules to just pay them a visit and say hi.
So, even if you are broke, do not worry. Your being there and talking or listening to the patient is enough and they will live to remember you for that simple gesture.
2.Adaptive feeding tools
Because of the hand trembling or what is commonly known as tremors, PD patients really need to use smart adaptive feeding tools. I have been able to experiment with these awesome smart stabilizing spoons reviewed in this post and found them to be a great match for people with PD. Other than spoons, you can also get them some non spill cups for adults that help them to sip their drinks without causing so much spillage.
3.Weighted Garments to reduce anxiety
Science has already shown that the use of weighted vests and blankets help with reducing anxiety in people with PD. Weighted garments and compression vests create the feeling of a great bear hug that makes the person feel as though they are grounded, loved and embraced even during the night. There are therefore a good buy that your PD patient will never forget when you buy it for them.
4.Adaptive Clothing
Again because of the tremors, PD patients find it hard to dress with ease unless they call up a caregiver to help them with the buttoning or unbuttoning of their clothes and zippers. They therefore really need magnetic button shirts that get ripped open with ease without one having to button or unbutton. I have already looked at both men’s and women’s shirts with magnetic buttons.
5. Writing tools for disabled
PD patients also find that they are unable to write with ease because of the tremors. Weighted pens and pencils can be of great help since they help steady the patients’ hands such that they are able to write with ease and effectively and that is why we had to list them as one of the best gifts for parkinson’s patients. The writing pens for disabled can be found here.