
We would not be able to recommend products on Amazon or caregiverproducts if we had not tried them.

Our process of recommending any of the products that you find on our website involves the following:

Step #1.Discover the products

We will first hear of the products either on the news, youtube channels, on other websites, from word of mouth from our directors, patients or staff. We will also discover some products on the social media channels that we follow.

Once we get wind of a certain product, we discuss whether it would be of benefit to our patients or online audience.

During this meeting, we will go through the product pages, conduct surveys on who has used the product in our circles and ask how they found the product.

This is a very important step because if the product does not make sense, then we do not need to even pursue it.

Once we are done with this process, we can go ahead and make a decision.

If we feel that the product would better the quality of life of our patients or online audience, we agree to go to the next step which is trying to get the product from the merchant.

Step #2. Acquire the products from the merchants

We will ask Kelvin James who also doubles as our digital communication manager to get into contact with the merchant or manufacturer of the product.

Here, he will be asking to get the product free of charge.

Yes, that might seem odd

But it needs to be a freebie because we do not want to use up the organization funds for products that will not serve any benefit to us or our clients.

To convince the merchant, James will write a profile of who we are, who we represent and the big audience we serve.

Most merchants will be willing to give up some of their inventory for an honest review by an organization that specialises in the care for the aged and hospice services.

If the merchant is reluctant to give up some of their inventory for us to try them out, we will still find a way to get the products freely either from one of our staff member who has it, one of our clients or any other organization that has previously partnered with us.

Once we have the product, we go ahead to step 3.

Step #3.Try the products

Either I or James will try the product and using a checklist will fill in whether the product does what it was supposed to do.

If the product does not do what it does, we will end the process here and write to the merchant telling them that their product does not do what it does.

We will also publish on our blog section that a certain product does not serve the purpose that it is meant to do.

We want to be honest while at the same time being a source of truthful information to our wide audience.

If the product does what it is supposed to do, we go on to the next step.

Step #4.Buy the products for our patients

We will go ahead and use company money to buy products for our in house clients.

At most times since we are buying in bulk, we will get them at a discount.

We also ask the merchant whether they support charity and inform them that it would be awesome if they could give out their products to an organization like ours that is not for profit based.

  1. Get feedback about the products

Once we have the products, we give them to our patients to use.

We will give them enough time to use the product while giving us feedback on how good the product are.

Our review therefore is written with the client in mind.

Step#4. Recommend them here to our audience

Once we are done, we go ahead and write our reviews on the blog.

So there you go, that is our process of reviewing products on Hosiped.

I know it sounds tedious and long-winded but we want to be as honest, open and truthful as possible and as such have to follow it to the letter!

Some of the leading products we have include:

Tremor Spoons for Parkinson’s patients

Non slip cups for people with parkinsons